Searching for property - Use our Search Service




One of the navigation buttons on our website is to get to our "Search Service". When you click on it, it says:

Do you want to be kept informed about new offers that might satisfy your wishes? Then fill in this form.

If you do so you will automatically receive e-mails from then on, that will inform you of the newest offers. At any time you can always change your search criteria and also unsubscribe from the Search Service.

We know that a lot of clients are really fond of this option; lots of people make use of it. It is so easy because you will receive any new introduced property which corresponds to your search criteria in your mail, even at the same day as it has been introduced on the website!

Tip: Next to this you can also allow ImmoVario to send your search criteria to the estate agents in the area that you choose, so that they can actively help you with your search, send you any options that they think might suit best with your wishes and start actively comunicating with you about it.

For our English speaking clients we also made it possible to ask for help with their currency exchange, in case they would need to do so. When buying property in Spain, it may save you a lot money if you do your homework well on this subject. Even better: somebody else can do this homework for you!!!