Setenil de la Bodegas - a different pueblo blanco




The pueblos blancos of Andalucia provide an opportunity for any budding photographer to really get to grips with their camera. Hilltop locations, whitewashed houses, ruined castles and local cafés serving chilled beer on a hot Andalucian day spring immediately to mind. You have probably already visited the most famous one in Ronda, in the Malaga province, but if you look further afield, there are some stunning villages with less tourists in the province of Cadiz.

The names of the pueblos blancos in Cadiz normally offer us an insight into the history of the town, often built to defend the territories of the Muslims and Christians during periods of battle in Spanish history. For example, those bearing the word frontera were border towns.

Recognised amongst the pueblos as the only one of its kind, Setenil de las Bodegas is also one of the most charming. Located above the River Trejo to the north west of Ronda, Setenil de las Bodegas takes its name from the wineries (bodegas) which used to be found in the village. Established by the Christians in the 15th century, the town's economy and population grew from the production and sale of olives, almonds and vineyards. This lasted until the mid-nineteenth century when the the vines were wiped out by Phylloxera which damaged vineyards across Europe.

Unlike other pueblos blancos, the houses here are built into the rocks and caves, with olive groves and almond trees to be found on the rock rooves of the houses. The natural formation of these rocks and caves combined with the houses creates an undulating effect throughout the town with something new to be found where even the tiniest of streets meet another one.

Setenil de las Bodegas is the perfect destination for those who love food. Setenil de las Bodegas has an outstanding reputation for fine chorizo, sausage, pork, cakes and pastries and fruit and vegetables are sourced from local villages. Cuevas del Sol street and the neighbouring Cuevas de la Sombra street are where you'll find the biggest selection of local bars for fantastic food for when your stomach starts rumbling.

Once you’ve enjoyed the locally produced meats, cake and fruit, why not work off the calories with a stroll to the ruined Moorish castle for even better views of the town or by visiting the church of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación.

Just a short drive from our holiday homes for sale on the Costa de la Luz, Setenil de las Bodegas is a lovely day out no matter what time of year it is.


picture: Cadiz Tourism