Las Fallas in Valencia, a must-see event

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If you own a property here already or you're thinking of buying a property for sale in the Costa Blanca or a property for sale in the Costa de Valencia, then you simply must visit Valencia's biggest annual event whilst you are there. Las Fallas (or Les Falles) comes from the Latin meaning to torch, and that is exactly what happens at the end of this city-wide party. From the 1st to the 19th March every year, the city celebrates an event that has been taking place for centuries, culminating in a massive firework and bonfire display to get rid of the old and welcome in the new life of Spring.

Las Fallas sees the city take on a new appearance, with enormous puppets crafted from papier maché , wire and wood placed around the city in its different neighbourhoods. Key to each of the puppets is satire and fun. For the kids there are famous cartoon characters but for the adults, there's often a more sceptical side to the puppets with politicians and political comment woven, often blatantly, into the message of each puppet. In recent years comment has related to the Spanish heads of state and even giant sized models of Obama have been known to feature.

For the duration of the festival, there is a daily event that gets the wheels of the Fallas parties in motion. At 2pm, the town hall sets off the mascletà, a series of gunpowder explosions which indicates that it's time to enjoy the sunshine, a meal with friends or tapas as the party gets underway.

The celebrations really get going from the 15th to the 19th March, which is when the puppets are erected in every neighbourhood and the firework displays start. At midnight on each of these days, people gather to watch the fireworks on the Paseo de la Alameda. On the 17th and 18th March the Ofrenda de Flores takes place as girls from the local falleras groups give flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken in the square near the city's cathedral.

Of course, the festival has to end, and it does so with a big bang! On the 19th March, La Crema takes place. This is the enormous firework display and the burning of the puppets – the final end to the festival with parties throughout the day and well into the night.

Valencia is easily accessible from houses located on the Costa de Valencia by car and from the Costa Blanca by both car and train.
