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Building plot for sale Vera (Playa)

Object-ID: 544902



Plot size: 1002 m2


Plots in La Cabuzana - Vera La Cabuzana is a quiet 'open' living estate with detached villas built on individual plots of 500 or m². This living estate is situated between Vera and Garrucha and has very good access. Within 5 or 10 minutes you will find all amenities like shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, medical care, sea, beach, sport facilitities, etc. In La Cabuzana we have more than 40 plots of at least m². According to the new general plan the minimum plot size in which to build a detached villa is m². La Cabuzana has a complete infrastructure with tarmac roads with street lights, electricity, mains water, sewerage and telephone connection. At this moment the high speed train connection between Murcia and Almería is been built. When this new line opens in 2023, Vera will also have a railway station, so you can travel from Vera to all over Europe. Sundalus villas: Luxury detached villas that will be completely built according to your personal requirements and the location of your choice. Some people dream of the perfect modern house in Spain on a large plot with stunning views. Others rather want a traditional house that perfectly fits into the landscape, but still meets the requirements of this time. Of course a combination of the two is also imaginable Because everyone is different and there is no accounting for tastes, we have developed a new concept that links up nicely with everybody's requirements and offers an unprecedented freedom for the realization of your personal dream villa in Spain. Your personal 'home' in Spain The concept of these 'new to build villas' is based on a number of 'standard' models. On the final design of your villa you can use of these models and make some changes, extensions, etc. To the model you like best. Besides that you have also the possibility to make a new design. According to the desired design and layout the construction costs will be calculated, but even then you still have the freedom to change the plans. Not until you are completely satisfied with your design and the quotation, the project will be made, the building licence will be applied for and then the construction of your new villa can start. Location, location, location Before you can think about the design of your new villa it is very important to select the most suitable location. Elements like environment, the views, the size of the plot and if it is on a slope or just plane are very important to get the right 'home feeling'. Maybe a plot in La Cabuzana could be perfect for you. Models There are several 'standard' models all with their own specific plans. As mentioned before all layouts can be 'redesigned' and adjusted to your personal requirements. By means of this concept and our intensive support your new Spanish dream villa becomes a reality. Durability and quality All villas within the 'Sundalus-concept' are traditionally built, making use of the best materials. Of course every construction meets all legal requirements like insulated cavity walls, damp proving, double glazing, etc. Like mentioned before all new villas will be built according to your personal requirements taking into account your free choice of materials like tiles, sanitary, wall finishing, roof tiles, colours, doors, windows, etc. Almost everything is included in the standard prices of the new villas or very realistic estimations will be made so everyone will find what they like. During the construction we keep our eye on your villa to ensure you that your new house is built according to the plans that have been developed in consultation with you. Of course we give you regular progress reports with photos. If you would like to make some changes during the construction of your villa this can be discussed as well. When the adjustments you require don't affect the obtained building licence a supplement to the building contract will be made and the changes can be carried out after your approval and signature. More information Apply for the extended brochure and / or make an appointment for viewing the available plots and villas in Spain and to discuss the possibilities in relation to your requirements. #ref:La Cabuzana
Parcelas en La Cabuzana - Vera La Cabuzana es una urbanización abierta con chalets construídos en parcelas individuales de 500 ó m². Esta urbanización está entre Vera y Garrucha y tiene muy buen acceso desde las poblaciones. Todos los servicios necesarios como tiendas, bares, restaurantes, hoteles, ambulatorios, la playa, el mar, centros deportivos, etc se encuentran a entre 5 y 10 mins. En La Cabuzana hay más que 40 parcelas de al menos m². Según el nuevo plan general urbanístico, el tamaño mínimo de la parcela para construir un chalet ha de ser de m². La Cabuzana tiene toda la infraestructura necesaria; carreteras asfaltadas con farolas, electricidad, agua corriente, alcantarillado y conexión telefónica. En estos momentos se está construyendo la línea del tren de alta velocidad entre Murcia y Almería. Cuando esta nueva línea abra, en 2023, Vera tendrá estación ferroviaria, desde donde se podrá viajar a toda Europa. Sundalus villas: Villas de lujo construidas siguiendo sus indicaciones personales y donde usted elija. Hay gente que sueña con la perfecta casa moderna en una amplia parcela con vistas espectaculares. Otros prefieren una vivienda tradicional que se confunda con el paisaje pero incluya todas las facilidades de la vida moderna. También sería posible una combinación de las dos...dado que todos somos diferentes y tenemos diferentes gustos hemos desarrollado un nuevo concepto que se adapta a cualquier estilo y ofrece una libertad sin precedentes a la hora de crear la vivienda de sus sueños. Su vivienda El concepto de estas ¨villas a la carta¨ está basado en varios modelos básicos. Puede usar estos modelos para diseñar su villa y realizar cambios, añadir cosas, etc. Hasta alcanzar el modelo perfecto para usted. También existe la posibilidad de diseñar su vivienda desde cero. Según el diseño y los planos se calcularán los gastos de la construcción. Incluso entonces tendrá la oportunidad de realizar cambios. El proyecto no se realizará hasta que usted esté satisfecho con el diseño y el presupuesto. Solo entonces se solicitará la licencia de obra y se comenzará el proceso de construcción. Lo importante es la ubicación Antes de empezar a diseñar su villa es importante seleccionar la ubicación más adecuada. Elementos como el entorno, las vistas, el tamaño de la parcela o si ésta está en llano o en cuesta son importantes para conseguir la sensación de hogar que busca. Una parcela en La Cabuzana puede ser interesante para usted. Modelos Hay varios modelos básicos, cada uno con sus planos. Como le hemos explicado antes, todos estos modelos pueden ser ¨rediseñados¨ para ajustarse a sus gustos personales. Gracias a este concepto y a nuestro apoyo conseguirá que la villa de sus sueños se convierta en realidad. Durabilidad y calidad Todas las villas dentro del concepto ¨Sundalus¨ están construidas de manera tradicional, usando los mejores materiales. La construcción se hace siguiendo los requerimientos legales como paredes con cámara de aire con aislamiento, protección contra humedades, doble acristalamiento, etc. Como ya hemos mencionado, las villas se construirán siguiendo sus especificaciones, con los materiales que elijan, como balsosas, sanitarios, acabados en las paredes, tejas, colores, puertas, ventanas, etc. En el precio básico está casi todo incluido y se realizarán estimaciones realistas para que cada uno encuentre lo que le gusta. Vigilaremos la construcción de su villa si usted no reside aquí para asegurarnos que la vivienda se construye siguiendo los planos diseñados con su colaboración. También le proporcionaremos informes regulares de la construcción con fotos. Si durante la construcción de su villa desean hacer algún cambio, se puede tener en cuenta. Si los cambios que quiere realizar no afectan a la licencia de obra ya conseguida se hará un suplemento al contrato de construcción incluyendo estos cambios, que se llevarán a cabo cuando usted lo apruebe y los firme. Más información Solicite folletos más detallados o concierte una cita para ver las parcelas y las villas disponibles y hablar de las posibilidades existentes según sus requisitos. #ref:La Cabuzana
Plots in La Cabuzana - Vera La Cabuzana is a quiet 'open' living estate with detached villas built on individual plots of 500 or m². This living estate is situated between Vera and Garrucha and has very good access. Within 5 or 10 minutes you will find all amenities like shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, medical care, sea, beach, sport facilitities, etc. In La Cabuzana we have more than 40 plots of at least m². According to the new general plan the minimum plot size in which to build a detached villa is m². La Cabuzana has a complete infrastructure with tarmac roads with street lights, electricity, mains water, sewerage and telephone connection. At this moment the high speed train connection between Murcia and Almería is been built. When this new line opens in 2023, Vera will also have a railway station, so you can travel from Vera to all over Europe. Sundalus villas: Luxury detached villas that will be completely built according to your personal requirements and the location of your choice. Some people dream of the perfect modern house in Spain on a large plot with stunning views. Others rather want a traditional house that perfectly fits into the landscape, but still meets the requirements of this time. Of course a combination of the two is also imaginable Because everyone is different and there is no accounting for tastes, we have developed a new concept that links up nicely with everybody's requirements and offers an unprecedented freedom for the realization of your personal dream villa in Spain. Your personal 'home' in Spain The concept of these 'new to build villas' is based on a number of 'standard' models. On the final design of your villa you can use of these models and make some changes, extensions, etc. To the model you like best. Besides that you have also the possibility to make a new design. According to the desired design and layout the construction costs will be calculated, but even then you still have the freedom to change the plans. Not until you are completely satisfied with your design and the quotation, the project will be made, the building licence will be applied for and then the construction of your new villa can start. Location, location, location Before you can think about the design of your new villa it is very important to select the most suitable location. Elements like environment, the views, the size of the plot and if it is on a slope or just plane are very important to get the right 'home feeling'. Maybe a plot in La Cabuzana could be perfect for you. Models There are several 'standard' models all with their own specific plans. As mentioned before all layouts can be 'redesigned' and adjusted to your personal requirements. By means of this concept and our intensive support your new Spanish dream villa becomes a reality. Durability and quality All villas within the 'Sundalus-concept' are traditionally built, making use of the best materials. Of course every construction meets all legal requirements like insulated cavity walls, damp proving, double glazing, etc. Like mentioned before all new villas will be built according to your personal requirements taking into account your free choice of materials like tiles, sanitary, wall finishing, roof tiles, colours, doors, windows, etc. Almost everything is included in the standard prices of the new villas or very realistic estimations will be made so everyone will find what they like. During the construction we keep our eye on your villa to ensure you that your new house is built according to the plans that have been developed in consultation with you. Of course we give you regular progress reports with photos. If you would like to make some changes during the construction of your villa this can be discussed as well. When the adjustments you require don't affect the obtained building licence a supplement to the building contract will be made and the changes can be carried out after your approval and signature. More information Apply for the extended brochure and / or make an appointment for viewing the available plots and villas in Spain and to discuss the possibilities in relation to your requirements. #ref:La Cabuzana
Plots in La Cabuzana - Vera La Cabuzana is a quiet 'open' living estate with detached villas built on individual plots of 500 or m². This living estate is situated between Vera and Garrucha and has very good access. Within 5 or 10 minutes you will find all amenities like shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, medical care, sea, beach, sport facilitities, etc. In La Cabuzana we have more than 40 plots of at least m². According to the new general plan the minimum plot size in which to build a detached villa is m². La Cabuzana has a complete infrastructure with tarmac roads with street lights, electricity, mains water, sewerage and telephone connection. At this moment the high speed train connection between Murcia and Almería is been built. When this new line opens in 2023, Vera will also have a railway station, so you can travel from Vera to all over Europe. Sundalus villas: Luxury detached villas that will be completely built according to your personal requirements and the location of your choice. Some people dream of the perfect modern house in Spain on a large plot with stunning views. Others rather want a traditional house that perfectly fits into the landscape, but still meets the requirements of this time. Of course a combination of the two is also imaginable Because everyone is different and there is no accounting for tastes, we have developed a new concept that links up nicely with everybody's requirements and offers an unprecedented freedom for the realization of your personal dream villa in Spain. Your personal 'home' in Spain The concept of these 'new to build villas' is based on a number of 'standard' models. On the final design of your villa you can use of these models and make some changes, extensions, etc. To the model you like best. Besides that you have also the possibility to make a new design. According to the desired design and layout the construction costs will be calculated, but even then you still have the freedom to change the plans. Not until you are completely satisfied with your design and the quotation, the project will be made, the building licence will be applied for and then the construction of your new villa can start. Location, location, location Before you can think about the design of your new villa it is very important to select the most suitable location. Elements like environment, the views, the size of the plot and if it is on a slope or just plane are very important to get the right 'home feeling'. Maybe a plot in La Cabuzana could be perfect for you. Models There are several 'standard' models all with their own specific plans. As mentioned before all layouts can be 'redesigned' and adjusted to your personal requirements. By means of this concept and our intensive support your new Spanish dream villa becomes a reality. Durability and quality All villas within the 'Sundalus-concept' are traditionally built, making use of the best materials. Of course every construction meets all legal requirements like insulated cavity walls, damp proving, double glazing, etc. Like mentioned before all new villas will be built according to your personal requirements taking into account your free choice of materials like tiles, sanitary, wall finishing, roof tiles, colours, doors, windows, etc. Almost everything is included in the standard prices of the new villas or very realistic estimations will be made so everyone will find what they like. During the construction we keep our eye on your villa to ensure you that your new house is built according to the plans that have been developed in consultation with you. Of course we give you regular progress reports with photos. If you would like to make some changes during the construction of your villa this can be discussed as well. When the adjustments you require don't affect the obtained building licence a supplement to the building contract will be made and the changes can be carried out after your approval and signature. More information Apply for the extended brochure and / or make an appointment for viewing the available plots and villas in Spain and to discuss the possibilities in relation to your requirements. #ref:La Cabuzana
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